Alocasia Zebrina Care Guide
The Alocasia Zebrina prefers a bright well lit room. Her leaves will burn in any direct midday sun but morning or evening filtered sun welcomed. Zara is not low light tolerant and may struggle in a room that doesn’t receive much light.
In the summer months The Alocasia Zebrina may need watering once or twice a week, in the winter she will need much less. Getting the balance may be tricky as she won’t like his soil to completely dry out or be too soggy. Every week check the first 2-3 inches of the soil and make sure it is dry before watering.
The Alocasia Zebrina is a humidity loving plant. She will benefit from slightly higher humidity levels. To increase humidity, use a humidifier and mist every 2-3 days Using a pebble tray underneath Zara’s pot this will also help raise humidity levels. Find out how to increase the humidity in your home here.
The perfect indoor temperature for the Alocasia Zebrina is between 18-25ºC degrees celsius. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 18°C Zara will be happy.
The Alocasia Zebrina require rich fertile soil to thrive. Use our fortifying fertiliser once every 3-4 weeks from the months of March-September.
Check the bottom of the nursery pot for large roots pushing their way through the drainage holes. If you can see his roots sticking out the bottom it's time to repot. For more information on repotting check out our repotting blog.
Brown edges and drooping -The crispy or dry edges are a sign that the Alocasia Zebrina is lacking humidity. This is usually followed by dropping and the occasional yellowing leaf. Increase humidity levels by misting her foliage every 2-3 days or move her to a bathroom.
Drooping leaves - The Alocasia Zebrina prefers her soil to be semi moist without drying out completely between each water. When the soil dries out Zara leaves will start to droop and this will indicate that she needs a drink. If the first few inches of soil is bone dry to touch water Zara lightly. Pour out the excess water from her decorative pot, avoid letting Zara still in any extra water.
Yellow leaves - The yellow leaves could be a sign of overwatering. Always check the first three inches of the soil before watering. Alocasia Zebrina is not drought tolerant and will like the soil to be consistently moist but not soaking.
Top tip 1: Use our beautifying leaf shine once every three weeks to help remove dust and dirt.
Top tip 2: Don’t panic if the Alocasia Zebrina loses a couple of leaves when first brought home. She is getting used to her new environment.
Top tip 3: If Zara is dropping a lot of her leaves, this could be a sign she is making room for new growth. She is a fast grower and her leaf turnover is high.