Variegated Monstera Care Guide
Also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant. Nowadays the variegated species is cultivated all over the world.
The variegated monstera prefers bright indirect light. Only the green part of the leaf can absorb light so to avoid losing any variegation the monstera will need a much brighter light than the non-variegated version.
Keep the Variegated Monstera’s soil slightly damp but not wet. It’s best to allow the first few inches of soil to dry out before you water again to prevent any root rot. Reduce your watering in the winter months.
Keep your variegated Monstera in a humid climate by using a pebble tray, placing him in the bathroom or near a humidifier. Monstera’s prefer humidity levels of above 50% and the usual household humidity is between 30-40%. Find out how you can increase humidity here.
Keep your variegated Monstera is a warm and draft free place in the home. Any temperatures between 20-30°C is good providing the temperature does not dip lower than 18°C.
To promote growth use a diluted fertiliser every 4-6 weeks in the months from March-September. Do not fertilise in the winter months.
You can repot your variegated Monstera every 1-2 years. You’ll know it's time to repot when you notice the roots growing out of the nursery pot.
Dry or crispy leaf edges -The crispy or dry edges can be a sign that the variegated monstera is lacking humidity. Increase Monty’s humidity levels by placing him on a pebble tray or by a humidifier.
Drooping leaves - The variegated monstera prefers his soil to be moist but not wet. The drooping leaves could suggest that he is ready for a drink. Feel the first few inches of his soil and only water if it is dry.
Yellow leaves - Yellow leaves often indicate over watering but also can be caused by lack of sunlight. It is perfectly normal for lower/smaller foliage to turn yellow in the winter.
Losing variegation - This is a sign that your variegated monstera is not getting enough sunlight. Move him to a brighter part of the home.
Slow growth or no new growth - If growth slows down or stops completely, this could be a sign that he needs repotting or that he is not getting enough sunlight. Place him in a sunny spot where he can get a lot of indirect light. Every year check the bottom of his nursery pot for signs that he has outgrown his current home.
Top tip 1: The variegated Monstera needs a lot of bright sunlight to thrive. Gently run a damp cloth over his foliage to wipe away any dust.
Top tip 2: To promote growth use a diluted fertiliser every 4-6 weeks in the spring and summer months.
Top tip 3: The variegated Monstera will climb given the right conditions. Use a moss pole to help encourage his upward growth.