Bird Of Paradise Care Guide
Also known as the giant orange bird of paradise. The bird of paradise is native to South Africa.
The bird of paradise prefers bright direct sunlight. He would prefer being placed next to a bright south facing window. He is one of the few houseplants that can tolerate direct sunlight and can even survive outside during the summer months. Don’t worry about the direct sunlight hitting his leaves, he won’t burn. Lighting-wise Roger pairs perfectly with the pineapple plant and Alex the Aloe vera plant.
The bird of paradise is a big drinker in the sumner and might need watering twice a week. Allow the first few inches of his soil to dry out before you water him again. In the winter months reduce you his watering schedule.
The bird of paradise is fine with lower humidity but will definitely benefit from an occasional mist to keep his leaves feeling fresh. To find out how to increase humidity in your home read our blog.
The bird of paradise can survive with temperatures between 15-29°C. As long as the indoor or outdoor temperatures don’t dip lower than 15°C Roger will survive.
The bird of paradise will grow very quickly in the summer months and can be fertilised once month in the month from March-September. Do not fertilise him in the winter months.
The bird of paradise is a fast grower but would prefer his roots to remain undisturbed. Repot him every 2-3 years. Use a well draining soil mixture with materials such as perlite and bark. Check out our peat free soil.
Leaves drooping or leaning - Roger will start to lean towards any light source. It’s a good practise to rotate his pot every time you water him to help with even growth.
Yellow spots - Yellow spots can be a sign of two things
- Roger has been over fertilised
- The sun has burnt the leaves from water left on the foliage. Try to mist his foliage early in the morning before the sun is too strong to heat the water and burn the leaves.
Browning edges - The browning edges is a sign that he is in need of a drink. If the first few inches of soil feels dry to touch then give him a thorough drink.
Top tip 1: To encourage blooming flowers, place him in the brightest spot in your home. He will bloom once he has matured at three years old.
Top tip 2: Thoroughly soak his soil with a hose or kitchen tap a couple of times a year to wash out any bacteria, extra fertiliser or any soil lacking in nutrients.
Top tip 3: Use our beautifying leaf shine once every 3 weeks to remove any dust and dirt.