Pachira Aquatica Care Guide
Also known as the money tree. The money tree is native central and southern America.
The Pachira Aquatica prefers a bright light but it is important that he does not receive any harsh direct sunlight. The more light the money tree receives the faster he will grow, especially in the spring and summer months. Lighting-wise the money tree pairs perfectly with Fiona the fiddle leaf fig and Eraser the rubber plant.
Allow his soil to dry out in between each watering and then once his soil is dry give him a thorough heavy watering with a hose or kitchen tap. Allow all the excess water to drip from his drainage holes and never let the money tree sits in any excess water for a long period of time.
The Pachira Aquatica is from a humid climate and will appreciate moisture on his leaves. To replicate his natural habitat you can place him near a humidifier, on top of a pebble tray or place in a bathroom.
The perfect indoor temperature for him is 10 - 30°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 10°C he will be happy. The Pachira Aquatica is not very cold sensitive.
To promote growth use our fortifying fertiliser every 2-4 weeks in the months from March-September. Do not fertilise in the winter months.
Repot the money tree when the bottom of the nursery pot starts to buckle or you see his roots sticking out the bottom. Avoid repotting in the winter as this could send him into shock, it’s best to wait until spring.
Wrinkling/ curling leaves - The money tree will wrinkly or curl his leaves when he is ready for a drink. Check to make sure his soil is dry before you water again.
Drooping yellow leaves - If the money tree starts to droop and yellow he may be overwatered. Make sure he has proper drainage to prevent overwatering.
Yellow leaves - This is a sign that the money tree is not getting enough light. Move him to a sunnier spot. Remove the yellow leaves so he doesn’t waste energy on this part of the plant.
Falling leaves - This is a sign that the money tree is not getting enough bright indirect light. Move him into a sunnier spot.
Top tip 1: Thoroughly soak his soil with a hose or kitchen tap a couple of times a year to wash out any bacteria, extra fertiliser or any soil lacking in nutrients.
Top tip 2: Rotate his pot weekly for more upward even growth.
Top tip 3: Use our beautifying leaf shine once every three weeks to eliminate dust and dirt.