Calathea Triostar Care Guide

The Calathea triostar prefers medium to bright light. It’s important to keep Maggie away from any bright light that could cause her foliage to burn and her variegated pattern to fade. She can tolerate rooms with lower light but will grow faster in a well lit room.
The Calathea triostar prefers rain or filtered water to prevent any browning leaves. Allow the first few inches of soil to dry out before water again. You may notice her leaves begin to curl if she is ready for a drink.
The Calathea triostar likes high levels of humidity. Ideally she should be in a room of over 60% humidity whereas normal household humidity levels are 50%. To increase humidity you can misting regularly, use a pebble tray or place Maggie in a bathroom. find out how you can increase humidity here.
The perfect temperature for the Calathea triostar is between 18-24°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn’t dip below 18°C Maggie will be happy.
To promote growth use our fortifying fertiliser every 4 weeks in the months from March-September. Make sure to dilute the fertiliser to a quarter strength to avoid fertiliser burn to Maggie’s roots which are sensitive.
Repot Maggie every 12-18 months. She is a fast grower but would prefer tightly compact roots. When Maggie’s roots begin to grow out of her drainage holes then it's time to repot.
Curling leaves - The curling leaves could be a sign of two things:
- This could mean that Maggie is underwatered. Feel the first few inches of soil and only water if her soil feels dry.
- She is suffering from cold stress. Check to see if she is near any open windows or drafts that could be causing her discomfort.
Drooping leaves - The Calathea triostar prefers moist soil. If her soil dries out too much then her leaves will start to droop. Check her soil and only water if the first few inches of soil is dry. It’s worth noting that Calathea’s leaves move with the light. The leaves appear droopy during the day and will move upwards in the evening.
Yellow leaves - Yellow leaves often indicate that Maggie has had too much water although the occasional lower yellow leaf is normal especially in winter.
Brown edges: The brown edges could be caused by a variety of things.
- A bad reaction to tap water. Use filtered or rainwater moving forward.
- Lack of humidity levels. Be sure that Maggie is in a humid room near a humidifier or on top of a pebble tray.
- Occasionally the brown tips could be from under watering so it’s good to check that the soil feels moist but not soggy.
Top tip 1: Keep the Calathea triostar away from radiators, drafts or open windows.
Top tip 2: Check out our beautifying leaf shine. Use every 3 weeks to remove dust and dirt.
Top tip 3: Water Maggie with filtered or rain water to avoid browning leaves.