Howea Forsteriana Care Guide

Kentia is wonderful for beginners. He will be happy in most light conditions. A mixture of sunny and shady light will be perfect. Kentia would prefer being away from any windows that could let in too much direct sunlight. Any direct or midday sunlight will burn Kentia’s leaves.
Kentia Palm is not one to fuss. He will forgive you if you forget to water him. Check his soil every week and make sure the first two inches of soil is dry before you water. When you water him, let his soil get completely soaked until water drips out of the drainage holes. His watering schedule can be reduced in the Winter months.
Kentia palms can tolerate low humidity levels better than others. To help keep the foliage fresh mist every couple of days. This will help increase the moisture around your Kentia palm.
The Kentia palm Happy in normal indoor conditions between 19-29 degrees celsius.
Your Kentia palm will benefit from monthly fertilising from the months of March-September. There are many fertilisers on the market and the Kentia palm will be happy with any fertiliser made for houseplants.
Repot the Kentia palm every year-18 months with our peat free soil.There are many signs that could indicate your Kentia palm is ready to re-pot. If you notice the roots sticking out of the drainage holes or growth has significantly slowed down, it’s time to repot.
Brown tips: This could be a sign of too much direct sunlight. Move Kentia away from any direct or midday sunlight. The brown tips could also be a sign that the foliage is not getting enough moisture. Mist the foliage a couple of times a week to help prevent brown tips.
Slow growth or no new growth: This could be because your Kentia palm needs a bit more sunlight. Understandably if it’s the Winter, growth will slow down and pick up again in the growth season.
Brown patches: If you start to see brown patches on your Kentia palm, this could be from fertiliser burn. Kentia only needs fertilising once a month in the spring and summer.
Yellowing leaves: Yellow leaves are a sign of overwatering. Kentia doesn’t need much water to thrive. Always check the first two inches of soil is dry before you water.
Mould on top soil: If you find mould, this is usually due to over watering. Don’t worry, the mould won’t harm your plant! Once you have removed the mould you can sprinkle down some cinnamon to keep it away.
Top tip 1: Make sure the soil is properly drained. The Kentia palm could suffer from root rot if his roots sit in water.
Top Tip 2: When using our organic fertiliser on your Kentia palm, use half the strength recommended on the bottle. This is to avoid shocking the Kentia palm or causing fertiliser burn to the roots. Slowly built up to the recommended amount over time.
Top tip 3: Don’t panic, if you notice some of the foliage turning brown. This is common and will happen when the stem is at the end of its life cycle. You can prune this foliage at the base of the stem.