String Of Hearts Care Guide
Also known as the sweetheart vine, rosary vine and Ceropegia woodii. The string of hearts is native to South Africa.
Juliette prefers a lot of bright indirect light. Be very careful to never put Juliette in a place where she could receive any form of direct harsh sunlight. Her vines are very sensitive and will burn in direct sunlight. Lighting-wise Juliette pairs perfectly with Freya and Curly Wurly.
Juliette prefers her soil to dry out before she is watered again. She will store water in her leaves and vines to keep hydrated even when her soil is dry. Water her every 2 weeks in the summer and once every 3-4 weeks in the winter. You can tell if Juliette is ready for water by feeling her leaves. If they feel soft, it’s time for a thorough watering. Grab our stylish silver and white watering can to help keep her hydrated.
Juliette can tolerate houseplant humidity of about 50% but she would prefer humidity levels of above 60%. Find out how to increase humidity in your home here.
The perfect indoor temperature for Juliette is between 21-28°C. As long as the indoor temperature doesn't dip lower than 20°C Juliette will be happy.
Fertilising is not common with many string of heart plant owners. A water based fertiliser can sometimes be used every 4 weeks in the months through March-September. Do not fertilise in the winter.
Juliette will be happy in her nursery pot for many years. She may need repotting after 2-3 years. When she is repotted, use part cacti soil and part potting mix. Using materials like perlite, sand and bark to help with the drainage. Juliette prefers well drained soil and doesn’t like to sit in soggy soil for a long period of time. Check out our incredible peat free potting mix.
Shrivelled or wavy leaves - The shrivelled leaves are a sign that Juliette is ready for a drink. If her leaves feel soft to touch this is a sign she is under watered.
Yellow leaves - The yellow leaves are a sign of two reasons.
- Yellow leaves could be from overwatering. Make sure Juliette’s soil completely dries out before watering again.
- Lack of sunlight can also cause the leaves to turn yellow. Place Juliette is a bright well lit room.
Top tip 1: It’s important the soil gets a lot of light and not just the lower vines. This will help the vines to grow thicker and longer.
Top tip 2: To help promote even growth, rotate her pot weekly so each part of the plant can get even amounts of bright light.
Top tip 3: To keep your new plant happy, use our complete houseplant care system.