Alocasia Cucullata Care Guide
Also known as the Chinese taro, buddha’s hand, Chinese ape and hooded dwarf elephant ear. The Alocasia Cucullata is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia.
Alocasia Cucullata prefers bright but indirect light. Keep Cucu out of any direct sunlight which will cause Cucu’s foliage to burn and wilt. Place Cucu a metre away from an east or west-facing window or near a north-facing window with floor to ceiling windows. Lighting-wise Cucu pairs perfectly with Fiona the fiddle leaf fig and Paddy the money tree.
The Alocasia Cucullata prefers regular watering and would prefer never to dry out. Check the first few inches of Cucu’s soil to make sure it is dry before you water again. In the summer months this could be once or twice a week and in the winter this can be reduced. Check for signs that Cucu is ready for a drink on our 4 important ways to tell if your plant needs watering blog.
The Alocasia Cucullata prefers a humid environment to thrive. The best place for Cucu is next to a humidifier or in a steamy bathroom. Find out how you can increase humidity here.
The Alocasia Cucullata is a tropical plant and should be placed in a warm room of between 18º-25ºC. Cucu is not cold tolerant and will need to be placed in a room with a consistent temperature.
Use our fortifying fertiliser once a month through March-September. Avoid fertilising in the cooler months when Cucu will not be actively growing.
The Alocasia Cucullata should be repotted once every 1-2 years. Watch out for signs that he is ready to be repotted by checking the bottom of his nursery pot. You’ll notice plenty of large roots pushing their way out of the drainage holes. Check out our peat free potting mix and read our repot like a pro blog for more information.
Brown/crispy edges - Crispy or dry edges could be a sign of two things:
- If the room doesn’t provide enough humidity the edges will start to turn brown from the foliage drying out.
- This could be a sign that Cucu is ready for a drink. Always check the soil with your finger or moisture metre before you water again.
Drooping leaves - The Alocasia Cucullata prefers moist soil and will start to droop its leaves when he is thirsty. If the first few inches of soil are bone dry to the touch, water Cucu thoroughly. Pour out the excess water from his decorative pot and avoid letting Cucu sit in any extra water.
Yellow leaves - Some lower yellowing is normal but if this is a continuous problem then it might be a sign to ease up on his watering schedule. Any wet or soggy soil will cause Cucu’s foliage to yellow or brown.
Leaning foliage- If The Alocasia Cucullata is in low/medium light he may start to lean towards a light source. Move him closer to a window where he can get more light.
Top tip 1: Clean Cucu’s leaves with our beautifying leaf shine.
Top tip 2: It’s really common for Alocasia Cucullata to lose a few leaves while he gets used to his new home. Avoid moving him around too much as this will prevent him from settling in and cause further leaf loss.
Top tip 3: Rotate The Alocasia Cucullata's pot monthly for even upright growth. You might notice some uneven growth if Cucu is not rotated regularly.